Command List
Config Commands
- 247: Keeps the bot in the voice channel 24/7.
- dj: Configures DJ roles and permissions.
- language: Sets the bot’s language.
- prefix: Changes the command prefix.
- setup: Guides you through initial bot setup.
Dev Commands
- createinvite: Creates an invite link.
- deleteinvites: Deletes all server invites.
- deploy: Deploys new bot updates.
- eval: Evaluates code (admin use only).
- guildleave: Leaves the server.
- guildlist: Lists all guilds the bot is in.
- restart: Restarts the bot.
Filters Commands
- 8d: Enables 8D sound for a surround effect.
- bassboost: Increases bass for a punchier sound.
- distortion: Adds distortion to the audio.
- karaoke: Enables karaoke mode (vocal isolation).
- nightcore: Applies a nightcore effect to the audio.
- pitch: Adjusts the pitch.
- rate: Adjusts playback rate.
- reset: Resets all audio effects.
- rotation: Adds rotation effect to the sound.
- speed: Increases playback speed.
- tremolo: Applies tremolo effect to audio.
- vibrato: Adds a vibrato effect to audio.
- lowpass: Applies a low-pass filter.
Info Commands
- about: Shows bot information.
- help: Provides a list of commands.
- info: Detailed bot info and stats.
- invite: Provides the bot invite link.
- node: Displays node information.
- ping: Shows bot latency.
- shardinfo: Shows shard information.
Music Commands
- autoplay: Automatically queues similar songs.
- clearqueue: Clears the current music queue.
- grab: Saves the current song to your DMs.
- join: Joins the voice channel.
- leave: Leaves the voice channel.
- loop: Loops the current song or queue.
- nowplaying: Shows the currently playing track.
- pause: Pauses the music.
- play: Plays a song from a search term.
- playnext: Adds a song to play next in queue.
- queue: Displays the song queue.
- remove: Removes a song from the queue.
- replay: Replays the current track.
- resume: Resumes paused music.
- search: Searches for a song.
- seek: Seeks to a specific time in the track.
- shuffle: Shuffles the current queue.
- skip: Skips the current song.
- skipto: Skips to a specific song in the queue.
- stop: Stops the music and clears the queue.
- volume: Adjusts the playback volume.
Playlist Commands
- addsong: Adds a song to a playlist.
- create: Creates a new playlist.
- delete: Deletes an existing playlist.
- list: Lists saved playlists.
- load: Loads a saved playlist.
- removesong: Removes a song from the playlist.
- steal: Adds another user’s current song to your playlist.